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Botiga Gelateria Bellamia

Botigues Barcelona > Gelateria Bellamia
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Botiga: Gelateria Bellamia
Adreça:  Carrer d' Espaseria, 14 (Barcelona). Entre Santa Maria del Mar i Pla de Palau.
Telèfon:  93 269 04 09
Obert: De dilluns a diumenge de 12-24h.
Tancat: Mai.

Comentari: La gelateria italiana Bellamia ofereix, segons molts, els millors gelats del Born. Degustar qualsevol dels productes d’aquesta gelateria és una experiència inoblidable, i és que tots ells poden presumir de ser naturals i fets artesanalment, sense colorants, conservants ni additius. Des de la xocolata extra-negra fins al gelat de festuc de Sicília, els mésllaminers trobaran sabors per a tots els gustos.

Productes: Gelats, orxata, brioixeria, batuts, granisats, brioche amb gelat..
Categoria: Gelats. Orxata.

Transport i a prop de
Parking: Pl. Comercial, 1
A prop teatre: Teatre Brossa.

icono Alessandro Tarozzi | 07-08-2012
We are Italian, we recently moved to Barcelona (and we still don't speak Catalan or Spanish, sorry!), and we were looking for our first local ice-cream. After a bit of search on the web this is one of the places that came with excellent reviews, and we were not disappointed.
The gelato is excellent, as good as the best you can find in Italy. Hazelnut, pistachio, mascarpone and figs, torroncino al Rhum, super-dark chocolate, all wonderful. Perhaps a bit too sweet for my taste, but that's just me, most people will find it perfect. It's one of the those old-fashioned ice cream places where you do not 'see' the ice-cream before you buy it, because they keep it stored in those closed metal containers with a metal lid on top. So, don't expect to see huge blobs of (artificially) colorful ice-cream in here, but keep in mind that this is often a good signal for quality. These are guys that prefer substance to appearances. My pistachio was barely green (no added color!), but it tasted like pistachio, not like some artificial powder.
The place is managed by two young Italians, and they say that the ice cream is made with all natural ingredients. We have no trouble believing them!
Another advantage of the place, the location is very central, 20 meters from S Maria del Mar, and <10 minutes walking distance from Barceloneta. On the other hand, the location is a bit hidden, in a narrow street, so you may want to check it out on Google map before looking for it.
Prices are very fair, the 4-euro cone we got, with 3 flavors, was huge, and I had trouble finishing it off (my wife would disagree with this last statement! :D ).
Anyway, now we like this wonderful city even better now that we know about this place. And to the owners, thank you guys, you will see us again!
Edat: 35-45